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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the POWERMASTER factory.

Export of Products

Export of POWERMASTER products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All POWERMASTER products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant POWERMASTER: rollers, chamfers, groovers, pipe extractors, pipe cleaners, wrenches, multipliers, torque wrenches, balancers
  • Rollers for heat exchangers POWERMASTER
    Rollers for heat exchangers
    A-25018, AL-312, etc.
  • Rollers for boilers POWERMASTER
    Rollers for boilers
    A-31/2, AF3-31/3, etc.
  • Pipe Rolling tool POWERMASTER
    Pipe Rolling tool
    MPB-1N, P72-RT-190, etc.
  • Pipe Installation Tool POWERMASTER
    Pipe Installation Tool
    FM-8000, 1NW-2MT, etc.
  • Pipe Removal Tool POWERMASTER
    Pipe Removal Tool
    ASP-1008, KT-375, etc.
  • Pipe Cleaning Tool POWERMASTER
    Pipe Cleaning Tool
    PTC-40, CCT-1438, etc.
  • Cleaning pipes in sugar factories POWERMASTER
    Cleaning pipes in sugar factories
    TC-30, EXP-24, TC-14, etc.
  • Hydraulic wrenches POWERMASTER
    Hydraulic wrenches
    TU-2, UNS-11, PSD-20, etc.
  • Tensor jacks POWERMASTER
    Tensor jacks
    PST-01, TSS-27, etc.
  • Torque wrenches POWERMASTER
    Torque wrenches
    ETW-50, VEGA-15, etc.
  • Mechanical keys POWERMASTER
    Mechanical keys
    PVT-100A, TQW-R-11, etc.
  • Shock keys POWERMASTER
    Shock keys
    MBSW24, AOTOJ39, etc.
  • Multipliers POWERMASTER
    STM-3, NANO-13, etc.
  • Hydraulic nut cutters POWERMASTER
    Hydraulic nut cutters
    AS-100, NS-506, etc.
  • Flange Expanders POWERMASTER
    Flange Expanders
    HVW-10, MS 10K, etc.
  • Pneumatic wrenches POWERMASTER
    Pneumatic wrenches
    TIW-16, TIW-76, etc.
  • Percussion heads POWERMASTER
    Percussion heads
    S-24M130, CS1620, etc.
  • Spring balancers POWERMASTER
    Spring balancers
    SBH-100, SWF-200, etc.
  • Pumping stations POWERMASTER
    Pumping stations
    AP-1000X, EP-1000, etc.


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